The Importance of Buyer Representation for Smarter Transactions

The real estate market is ever-changing. Though the real estate transaction has not changed, it is still an intricately detailed process that needs many hands to complete. We highly encourage sellers to offer contribution to a buyer‘s agent fees, as part of this very involved transaction.

Fact: The real estate transaction is one of the most complicated and regulated consumer transactions. The average conventional buyer will need to spend at least $75,000* to purchase your home between their down payment, financing closing costs and related moving expenses. *National Association of Realtors & Mortgage Bankers Association

Fact: Homebuyers work with exceptional buyer agents, typically for long periods of time, and need to ensure their fee is paid as well. A seller that can offer a level of certainty and transparency surrounding the process and buyer representation fees will appeal to more buyers in marketing their home.

Key takeaways to consider:

  • Proper representation of buyers leads to smoother transactions, reduced risk during and after closing, as well as a better overall experience for all.
  • There will always be a competitive advantage to the seller that offers to participate in buyer representation fees, as it adds a level of transparency and clarity to potential buyers.
  • Buyer broker fees may ultimately be negotiated as a sales concession.

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