Abby Jamieson

Office Manager
Abby Jamieson

Abby was born in Portland Oregon, but has lived in Wisconsin, Georgia, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, and Washington state. She and her husband John left Clayton, Washington and moved to Sunapee, NH in November of 2021. They bought their New London home in June of 2022. John’s parents have lived in New London for about 25 years, so Abby had visited many times and always loved the area! 

Abby loves nature and animals - and is the office plant-caretaker! She has had cats and dogs her entire life and particularly loves BIG dogs! 

She and John love to travel and found their happy place in 2013 when they first visited Maui, Hawaii. They try to go each year to swim with the turtles, or as John calls them “sea angels.” 

She and John spend their free-time renovating their home, traveling to visit their kids and grand-daughter, rooting for the Bruins (GO B’s!), and playing with their dogs.

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